The correct policy and appropriate level of cover is vital when it comes to protecting you and your family. We are able to advise on all aspects of life assurance to ensure that liabilities and loved ones are properly catered for should the worst happen. We will advise on the best types of policy and whether or not it should be set up in trust. We will further ensure that all policies remain competitive and relevant by regulary reviewing the contracts in line with your changing situation and circumstances.
What is Critical Illness Assurance? Although Critical Illness cover is sold by life assurers, there is a big difference when compared with life insurance - you don't have to die to benefit from the Critical Illness insurance policy. This type of cover is designed to pay out a (tax-free) lump sum in the event of you suffering from certain types of serious illness or if you have to undergo certain types of surgery.
What is Level Term Assurance? The name says it all. It's term assurance, as you only get a payout within the set 'term' e.g. 18 years. It's level, because the payout you get is fixed from the start of the term until the end. Level term assurance thus guarantees a known lump sum payout upon death within a fixed time e.g. £150,000 if you die within the next 18 years.
What Is Mortgage Life Assurance? Mortgage Life Assurance is designed to pay off the remaining mortgage debt on repayment mortgages if you die within a set period. It ensures your dependents need not worry about repaying the mortgage if you die.
What is Permanent Health Insurance ? Permanent Health or Income Protection Insurance is designed to pay you a regular tax free monthly income if you are incapacitated and unable to work due to illness or injury. What Is Whole Life Assurance?With Whole Life Assurance, for a given premium, a wide range of plans are available. The premium is split between providing for the insurance required now and investing into the insurance company funds in order to subsidise the cost of the cover in later years.
What is Whole-of-Life Protection? Whole of life insurance guarantees the payout of a lump sum whenever the policyholder dies ,so long as the monthly premiums are maintained.
Because death is inevitable and a payment would be made it follows then that premiums for whole of life cover are more expensive than for the alternative option of term life insurance.Under whole of life coversome of your monthly premiums can be invested by the insurer into life funds.
If this is an area you wish to take advice upon please contact us
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If you need financial advice we may be able to help in planning your financial future, we have provided quality goal driven financial advice for many years and have many satisfied clients who trust us to take care of their financial plans for retirement and also investment planning needs. Our financial adviser Roderick Hopkins is Highly qualified and has over 25 years experience in financial services and has earned an enviable reputation for providing sound financial advice.
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