Meeting the cost of nursing and residential care is a growing issue in the UK. It has become ever more prevalent over the last few decades due to the increasing life expectancy and under funded state contributions. While the state will help with some costs, this is limited and the government also enforce strict criteria for certain categories of help. Although the subject of Long term Care has been the topic of much debate in the House of Lords for the last couple of years, as the UK has a massive deficit as well as taking into account the current global economic problems, improving state care is not at the forefront of the governments budget unfortunately. The limit still remains at £23,500.
Any capital, savings and assets that you have over this amount will be used to meet the costs of state care. Your house will be sold by the local authority, all investments will be cashed in, and your savings will be drawn on to pay the Care home costs. This is why it is important to plan in advance.The harsh facts are that if you need long term care, then you will probably have to pay for it or contribute to it. The care may be in a home, or in your own home. Long Term care plans can be set up to meet the costs or help pay towards any care that may be needed.
An equity release scheme lets you raise money from your property – as either a lump sum or regular income, or both – and at the same time gives you, and a partner, the right to remain living there until you both die or move out.
There are two types of equity release scheme available in the market, with several variations on each. The lifetime mortgage involves taking out a new loan secured on your home, and the home reversion involves selling all, or part, of the ownership of your home. In return both types will pay you a lump sum and/or an income.
If this an area you wish to take advice upon please contact us
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